14 December, 2009

Wreath ceremony pays homage to Oklahoma's fallen

American troops were honored at more than 400 sites nationwide

Published: December 13, 2009

A small group gathered for an hour Saturday morning at the Oklahoma Veterans Cemetery to honor those who died serving in the military.

An American flag flapped in the wind overhead as people bowed their heads for a moment of silence before a wreath-laying ceremony.

The event, sponsored by the Oklahoma Wing of the Civil Air Patrol and the Oklahoma Society Daughters of the American Revolution, was part of Wreaths Across America, a national effort to remember those who died, honor those who serve and teach the value of freedom.

Similar wreath-laying ceremonies took place at veterans cemeteries and memorials throughout the country Saturday.

Representatives from different branches of the military and members of the Daughters of the American Revolution laid seven wreaths inside the entrance of the Oklahoma Veterans Cemetery, 2312 NE 36.

They carried one wreath for each branch of the military and one for prisoners of war and soldiers who went missing in action.

A group from the Civil Air Patrol watched in a formation facing the cemetery. Afterward, everyone helped lay wreaths at each grave.

The Civil Air Patrol is the official civilian auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force.

Dan Arnold and his 13-year-old son, Patrick, who are both members of the Oklahoma Wing of the Civil Air Patrol, took time to read the soldiers’ names and information.

"It’s appropriate to honor them, especially at Christmas,” Arnold said. "We get so caught up in buying things and doing things that we forget those who went before us.”

The ceremony was a fitting tribute to veterans who gave so much, said Col. Robert Castle, commander of the Oklahoma Wing of the Civil Air Patrol.

Castle has participated in the wreath-laying ceremony at Oklahoma Veterans Cemetery for the last three years. He said walking through the cemetery and reading the people’s names is a humbling experience.

"It makes it a little more meaningful when you come out and see the tombstone and realize all that person gave,” Castle said.

Read the story on NewsOK: http://www.newsok.com/wreath-ceremony-pays-homage-to-oklahomas-fallen/article/3424770?custom_click=lead_story_title#ixzz0ZhdjCPQ7

18 November, 2009

Meeting Cancelled

The CAP meeting on 24 November as been cancelled due to the holiday.

See everyone 1 December, have a great and safe Thanksgiving!

Jordan Edmund, 1st Lt, CAP
Commander | Oklahoma City Composite Squadron

30 October, 2009

Elliot Receives Mitchell Award

5701 Air Guard Drive, Box 66
Oklahoma City, OK 73179-1008


October, 29 2009   

Contact: Tyler Nikkel
(405) 651-5757

Oklahoma City Composite Squadron member Adison Elliot receives Mitchell Award

The Civil Air Patrol has presented Oklahoma City Composite Squadron member Adison Elliot with the coveted Mitchell Award. This award was established in the memory of General Billy Mitchell who is hailed as the most influential figure in military airpower history. The presentation of the Mitchell Award represents excellence, on behalf of Adison Elliot, in the areas of leadership, maturity, fitness, and academic strength as exhibited through Civil Air Patrol (CAP). Oklahoma Wing Commander, Colonel Bob Castle conferred the award.

Elliot joined CAP's Oklahoma City Composite Squadron two years ago. A desire to become a flight officer in the Air Force is what initially led Elliot to the Civil Air Patrol. While researching online how to prepare for the Air Force Academy Elliot discovered that CAP offers valuable training for the armed forces and aeronautics.  By setting specific short term and long term goals he has achieved numerous accomplishments. One the greatest being he soloed an aircraft through the National Flight Academy; an endeavor held in high regard by the entire aviation community. He also completed CAP encampment and was awarded the Encampment Ribbon. Furthermore, Elliot's leadership training and ability has helped him earn the rank of Second Lieutenant in his squadron. Elliot's next goal within Civil Air Patrol is to earn the Amelia Earhart Award. Beyond CAP his sights are focused on the Air Force Academy and becoming an officer and pilot in the military.

Alongside Elliot's involvement in Civil Air Patrol he is a junior at Bethany High School and enjoys a variety of extracurricular activities. Elliot has played the piano for 6 years and is proficient with the saxophone. He is also involved in the Bethany Marching Band and enjoys applying the discipline he has learned in CAP to his work with the band. Aside from music, Elliot is a committed debate member of the Bethany Mask and Gavel Club.

High moral character, leadership, a volunteer spirit, and maturity are the qualities that Elliot has displayed throughout his service in the Oklahoma City Composite Squadron. These are the same qualities Elliot plans to uphold in his future service as an Officer in the military. Therefore, the Oklahoma City Composite Squadron is proud to honor Elliot and thankful to have such a high caliber cadet as part of their squadron.

Picture: OK Wing Commander, Col. Castle (left) and 1Lt. Jordan Edmund (right) present the Mitchell Award to Adison Elliot.

Civil Air Patrol, the official auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force, is a nonprofit organization with 57,000 members nationwide. CAP performs 90 percent of continental U.S. inland search and rescue missions as tasked by the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center and was credited by the AFRCC with saving 90 lives in fiscal year 2008. Its volunteers also perform homeland security, disaster relief and counterdrug missions at the request of federal, state and local agencies. The members play a leading role in aerospace education and serve as mentors to more than 22,000 young people currently participating in CAP cadet programs. CAP has been performing missions for America for more than 67 years. For more information, visit www.gocivilairpatrol.com.

Civil Air Patrol's local unit, Oklahoma City Composite Squadron, meets every Tuesday night night from 6:30 - 9:00pm at the Will Rogers Air National Guard Base. The Oklahoma City Composite Squadron membership is comprised of cadets ages 12-18 and adults over 18.  For more information about Civil Air Patrol in the Oklahoma City Area, phone (405) 830-1750 or visit http://www.ok113.org .


10 September, 2009

Alva Fly-In 19 Sep 09

Participation Letters for the Alva Fly-In are due on 15 Sept!

Maj Russell Davis and Lt Col Bob Satchell have agreed to conduct Flight Line training and provide sign-offs. Each participant will need to bring an FLM or FLS SQTR to record training.

OKWG also has an opportunity to support the Vance Fly-In on 17 Oct 09. This is a one day civilian fly-in event. They are expecting 50-70 aircraft, and will need assistance in marshalling.

Please encourage all interested members to attend the Alva Fly-In for training, and to support the Vance Fly-In next month.

The Ops Plan has been posted to our website (www.ok113.org) under the documents section.

09 September, 2009

Disabled Earthlink Accounts


We recently notified all EarthLink account holders that we would discontinue the use of accounts that had no usage for the last past three months. On 1 September 2009, EarthLink disabled those accounts that were affected. If you were affected by this action you may reactivate your unit account by sending an email to Joe Hall or Joy Darwin. Accounts may take up 36 hours to reactivate once submitted. We apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused.

07 September, 2009

ES Reminders for the FTX

A few things before the FTX:

1) If you have not entered things that you have been signed off on into the eServices SQTR, it does not exist. You must get your sign offs into the system before Wednesday, 9 September if you want to participate.

2) If you have not requested Commanders approval for training on the SQTR, you will not be able to train for that specialty at the SAREX, also complete this by Wednesday. To get Commanders approval, all you have to do is enter the date on the SQTR, check the box and hit submit. It will pop up on my screen for approval.

3) After Wednesday, print your SQTRs. I may not be able to print any for you at mission base, you need to bring them with you. CAP does not except any SQTRs except for the ones printed from eServices.

4) Upload a picture into eServices, technically your 101 card is not valid without it.

5) After Wednesday, print your 101 card from eServices, you will not be allowed to participate without it.

6) On Tuesday at 1730 I will be tutoring in IS 100 and IS 700. If you have not passed it yet, come to the tutoring session and I will help you pass it then.

Jordan Edmund, 1st Lt
Commander | Oklahoma City Composite Squadron

04 September, 2009

Squadron Internet Technology

All - Please read the whole email, it's all good news!

I have been in the process of bringing our Squadron into the digital age through our website. It is my hope that the Wing may follow our example in the future. We are now using multiple forms of social networking to increase interest in our squadron and to help get the word out about our news. Young people especially pay very close attention to these networking sites, especially Facebook and Twitter.

In Facebook we are running adds, targeting youth who are interested in many of the aspects of CAP and in the last few days we have had several people click through to our website. We are also updating Twitter on a regular basis and are following many of the official CAP "tweets" throughout the country, and in turn they are following us. This really gets our news out there nationwide, and this is a growing trend in the CAP Public Affairs circles. The more we can drive up the buzz about CAP the more likely we are to gain membership.

We have been approved by Google to receive the full version of Google Apps for Non-Profit organizations. This means that everyone can have an ok113.org email account if you would like one. Those of you that have a duty position email may also have another email (example: name@ok113.org) if you would like one. I have the ability to merge the emails into a single login account.

If you would like an email, let me know what you want your login name to be and I will set it up for you and send you the information to login for the first time.

We now have a much easier address to get to your email login, it is: mail.ok113.org.

The emails are also fully pop and imap compatible, if you use something such as Outlook for your email, feel free to set the ok113.org email up in it. If you need assistance let me know.

Other new things:

1) We are now on Twitter and tweeting regularly, these tweets also update on the OK113 website and Facebook page. If you have Twitter, please follow us, our user name is OK113CAP. Using Twitter in CAP is a new public affairs grassroots initiative that we are trying to gain traction on, the more official CAP Twitter accounts are followed the better for us.

2) We now have a Facebook fan page, it can be viewed here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Oklahoma-City-Composite-Squadron-Civil-Air-Patrol/123814838963. All news from the website are also updated to our Facebook page, this will help keep news flowing to our members that don't check the website often, but live on Facebook.

3) You will soon be able to log in to your email within the website.

4) We will soon be able to host video on our website through Google Apps.

5) We will soon be migrating our calendar to Google Apps., you will be able to view upcoming activities through your ok113 email account as well as through the website. I will be giving a number of you access to edit the calendar, so that you can update it with upcoming events.

6) We have a new newsfeed that includes both the Twitter account and the Blogger account.

7) We will soon have a National News feed on our website.

8) The Members page has been redesigned, it is now a Links page, with key links to Squadron, Wing and National websites. Keep an eye on this page as it will be continually upgraded.

9) We have document hosting on the website, if there is an important document that you want our membership to have access to, I can upload it.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions, I would be glad to implement them.

Jordan Edmund, 1st Lt
Commander | Oklahoma City Composite Squadron

OKWG/TXWG Winter Encampment, Senior Help


Good Morning all,

Texas Wing has approached us with the opportunity of doing a joint Winter Encampment. One thing we are taking into consideration is participation in a winter encampment and it NOT taking away from the participation in our OKWG Summer Encampment. Oklahoma’s Encampment is our priority. Col Castle and I need to know if we would have enough people who can help with the winter encampment (held during Christmas break – typically starting Dec 26 or 27) without backing out of the summer encampment. Last summer I was a bit short in senior staff and needed more help.

If you have always wanted to help out at an Encampment but aren’t able to get time off work in June, but are able to in December – please let me know ASAP with a reply to this email.

Thank you for your dedication to our cadets!!


Nancy Bartlett, Capt., CAP
Oklahoma Wing
Director of Cadet Programs

02 September, 2009

National Board Web Stream

Don't forget that you can watch the 2009 Annual Conference and National Board meeting live via web stream on www.capchannel.com.

Please look at the schedule below for live stream times.

September 3rd 1-5 PM CST National Board Meeting

September 4th 8-9:45 AM CST General Assembly

September 5th 8:30-9:45AM CST Awards Ceremony

September 5th 7-10 PM CST Banquet

PAO Town Hall at the National Board

Dear PAO's and Friends.

Please join us this Saturday for a Town Hall Meeting on the CAP's Public Affairs Program. This meeting will be held at the National Board Meeting and Annual Conference in San Antonio.

Join the Volunteer and Staff public affairs teams for updates on what is currently going on and the future of CAP Public Affairs. This Town Hall is the place to go to get your PA questions answered, find resources and network with some of the leading PAO's in CAP.

PAO's and interested members will be able to watch the Town hall via a stream and ask questions at www.capapo.org this Saturday from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM Central Time and join us in building the future of the CAP Public Affairs Program.

Wing and Region PAO's please share this information with your unit PAO's and other interested members.

Thanks and have a great day.

29 August, 2009

Please complete GES for SAREX


We have a SAREX coming up, 11-13 September in El Reno. This is the perfect time to get training done, if you have not yet complete GES, get it done now. If you need help completing it before 11 September, please let me know.

Jordan Edmund 1Lt, CAP

27 August, 2009

Squadron Email


We now have squadron email accounts, @ok113.org.

I have started setting email accounts up for each duty position, if you have a duty position you are entitled to an email address. If you would like an address that is different from your duty position name, let me know and I can give you whatever you want. You will be allowed to make use of your email as long as you hold a duty position. Keep an eye on your inbox, I will be sending out set-up instructions as I enable the emails.

Duty Position: DCC
Default email: DCC(at)ok113.org

Again, if you would like something different, perhaps your name @ok113.org, just let me know and I would be happy to set it up for you.

Once we have them all set, I would prefer that you use your squadron email for CAP business, it gives a more professional image.

Also, we now have the ability to set-up list-servers. Currently, I have set-up seniors(at)ok113.org and cadets(at)ok113.org, if you want to email everyone without going and copying them all into your email, simply use the list-serv. If you have any suggestions for list-servs to set-up, I can do that, just let me know.


Jordan Edmund, 1st Lt

25 August, 2009

Cadet Announcements


Tonight we have very special guests so make sure your Blues uniform is especially neat.

Tonight's activities will be Review boards and D&C, with Promotions following the end of the night. We will have a special video showing of the Air Force Academy trip. There will also be some presentations made.

Unfortunately I will not be able to attend so I expect you all to be on your best behavior without me. I know you'll make me proud.

Keep your nose up and have a good night.

2Lt Robert Oglesby, DCC, CAP

24 August, 2009

Equal Opportunity Training

All Members:

Please complete CAP's Equal Opportunity Training, per CAPR 36-1. This program is to promote awareness of CAP, AF and Federal laws and regulations regarding discrimination, completion of this test is mandatory.

CAPR 173-3, Change 1, 24 Aug 09, Payment for Civil Air Patrol Support


CAP/MD Letter, 23 Aug 09, Interim Change Letter - G1000 Training Requirements

Please review.


Visitors for 25 Aug. Meeting

Please welcome BGen. Revere Young, USAF (Ret) and Col. Robert Castle to our meeting Tuesday night. They will both be presenting awards to our cadets.

2009 National Board Agenda Summary

Brought to you by the National Capitol Wing.

18 August, 2009

CAPR 60-3, 17 Aug 09, CAP Emergency Services Training and Operational Missions

For your attention,

The revised CAPR 60-3 and CAPF 104 have been posted on the publications page athttp://members.gocivilairpatrol.com/forms_publications__regulations/

Cadet Announcements


Tonight is PT night. Depending on the weather we may need to do PT in the building, but unless it is lightning, a little rain will not prevent us from running. Be prepared. You might bring a towel.

School has begun or will begin soon. Make sure each of you maintains your schedule so that conflicts with CAP do not occur too often. It is understandable that school related events will prevent some of you from participating in all meetings, but we hope to see you as regularly as possible. Prioritize your schedule so that CAP does not interfere with school, but instead becomes an extension of your education.

Be good.

21 July, 2009

OK113 Announcements

Squadron -

If anyone has extra hangers at home, please bring them in, we need more hangers for the uniforms in the office.


This upcoming weekend we will be fundraising at Sam's club, Friday from 1200 - 1800 and Saturday from 1000 - 1600. Please be there as much as possible, the weather will be nice and the money that we raise will go towards the field trip and towards our operating budget for the year.

UOD: Cadets- BDU's, Seniors - squadron t-shirt or civis.

Bring a water bottle or some other drinking apparatus.

I will have all of this information for you on a print out on Tuesday.

14 June, 2009

Cadet Reminders

Cadets & Senior Members:
The uniform for Tuesday June 16th will be BLUEs. The agenda will be testing and D&C (drill & ceremony).
We will also be doing review boards and promotions due to the following week's meeting, June 23rd, will be cancelled on account of most cadets will be at encampment.
Parents of cadets going to encampment should plan to join the first part of the meeting. We will discuss the necessities of encampment and expectations. A packing list can be viewed and printed off the squadron website http://OK113.org. Please note, non-staff cadets do not bring electronic gadets, watch, or flashlight. We will discuss other items at the meeting.
I hope to see all of you there.
2Lt Robert Oglesby, DCC, C.A.P.

Senior Reminders


Our next meeting will be Tuesday (6/16), there are a number of things that we need to go over. I need as many of you to attend as possible.

UOD: AF Blues, Corporate Alternative Uniform or CAP Polo.

1. Duty Assignments: There are a number of you who do not have a duty assignment, you will be receiving one next meeting. I would like to put each of you in a position that you are interested in and are willing to do your best to fulfill. You will not have the option of not taking a duty assignment, there is no way a squadron can run well without the support of all of the senior members.

2. Specialty Tracks: Those of you who have not yet chosen a specialty track need to look over the 200 series of CAPPs here: http://www.capmembers.com/forms_publications__regulations/pamphlets.cfm. Please come ready to tell me what specialty track you would like to pursue.

If you are currently enrolled in a specialty track that you have lost interest in, we can assign a new one on Tuesday.

3. SUI Checklists: I will be distributing the SUI checklist for each duty assignment. Over the course of the next few months we will begin to prepare a notebook with all of the required information in it, as well as make sure all of our current plans/procedures are up to regulation. There are a number of things that we need to have on file (hardcopy) and keep up to date. Starting next year, Wing will be inspecting each unit and I want our unit to pass with flying colors.

4. Form 60's: I have already sent out a .pdf version of the new CAPF 60, I have also attached a word version to this email. We need everyone to complete a new Form 60 to keep on their person as well as one that we can keep on file at the squadron.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions, comments or concerns. Remember, I am here to support you.

All my best,

29 May, 2009

Cadet Reminders


Next week's meeting (6/2) will be Aerospace Education and Moral leadership.


The following week will be PT and Leadership/Mentorship, Testing will be the third week this month.

We will be assigning staff positions next week. You all had plenty of time to get me the applications for the positions you wanted.

Upcoming Events:

6-7 June: Encampment Staff Training - Camp Gruber - If you are staff you will receive details from Capt. Bartlett

19-20 June: ADA Airshow - You may only attend if you are not participating in Encampment. House will be at the NG Base in ADA. If you are interested in attending, please sign up. Transportation - TBA

21-28 June: OKWG Encampment - Time is running short to send in your applications, bring them to the Sq meeting to get them signed.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.

15 May, 2009

SAREX Cancelled

The Durant SAREX has been cancelled due to the potential for bad weather this weekend. It will be re-scheduled for August.

Cadet Reminders


Next Tuesday (5/19) will be PT.

UOD: PT Uniform and Camelbak / water bottle / canteen

Please make sure you are prepared for the CPFT.

Upcoming Events

21-24 May - SWR Cadet Competition - The location has changed, it will now b held at Tinker AFB and billeting will be at OKC RTI. Please contact Capt. Bartlett ASAP if you want to volunteer. If you just want to watch I will send out a schedule to you once I have it.

8-12 June - Private Pilot Ground School - If you want to attend you need to get your deposit, for your books, in to Lt. Fellin by 22 May.

19-20 June - Ada Airshow - Details TBA

21-28 June - OKWG Encampment - Get your applications in ASAP, you can download the application at www.okwgencampment09.info. Remember that we need to review and sign your application before you send it in.

As always if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.

10 May, 2009

Meeting Location Change for 12 May


The ANG will be having an inspection on Tuesday and we will not be able to meet there. The alternate meeting location with be at the Tulakes Elementary school, graciously provided to us by Kathy Whitinger.

The school is located at 6600 Galaxie DrOklahoma CityOK, it is on 63rd between MacArthur and Rockwell. Google maps link here: http://maps.google.com/maps?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENUS306&q=tulakes%20elementary&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl

There will be no Color Guard practice for cadets. We will be doing testing as well as have a blood borne pathogens class. UOD: BDU. Same drill different location.

We must be out of the school by 2100, please make sure that you are on time so that we can finish the meeting in a timely manner.

Please call if you have any questions or concerns.

Cadet Reminders


I apologize for sending this out later than normal, but I was hoping to procure a meeting location for this weeks meeting before sending this out. We will not be able to meet at the ANG Base this week, they are having an inspection during our meeting time. We have not yet nailed down an alternate meeting location. As soon as we do you will receive an email as well as be notified via call down.

There will be no Color Guard practice this week as we will not be meeting at the ANG Base.

This Tuesday (5/12) will be testing, D&C and a blood-borne pathogen class. Bring your GTM3 SQTR and you can get this signed off.


I have received a few applications for staff, but not enough. Please apply, part of your responsibilities as a cadet is to take on leadership positions, if you are not willing to take a leadership position, you will not promote.

I would like to welcome SM Chelsi Hudlow and SM Peter Hudlow to the OK113 Cadet Programs staff, they will be serving as your Activities Officer and Leadership Officer.

Upcoming Events:

15-17 May - Durant SAREX - Let Lt. Oglesby know ASAP if you are planning on attending as he will be driving down. As of now it looks like this will be a Saturday only event for our squadron.

16 May - Westside RC Warbirds Fly-In - If you are not attending the SAREX you better plan on attending the RC fly-in. It is an all day event, you will be supporting the event in various capacities and may get the chance to fly an RC aircraft. The event is loads of fun. Sign-ups this Tuesday.

21-24 May - SWR Cadet Competition - Let me know ASAP if you would like to volunteer for this event, only one person has let me know that they will be volunteering. If you aren't planning on volunteering, plan on attending. Cadet Color Guard and Drill Teams from Arizona, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico and Oklahoma will be competing for a slot in the National Cadet Competition. These are the best of the best, go and get ideas on what we can do at our squadron.

8-12 June - Private Pilot Ground School - Let Lt. Fellin know by Monday, 11 May if you want to take advantage of this incredible deal. 

Reminder: Check the OK113 website often, the calendar, news and photo album are regularly updated. Ensure that you don't miss something important by making the website part of your surfing agenda. www.ok113.org

As always, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.

02 May, 2009

Cadet Reminders


This Tuesday will be Mentorship and Aerospace Education.


Again, I don't know how many times I have to ask, turn in applications for staff positions. I know some of you are afraid or nervous to take a leadership position, some of you also think that you are too low ranking to serve in a position. Anyone may apply and I encourage everyone to apply for something.

Current positions available: 

Training Flight Commander and Sergeant (Reports to the Cadet/CC): These positions will train the new cadets in all aspects of CAP. We really need to get these positions filled ASAP in preparation for BCS weekend. They will run their own program separate from the other cadets.

Cadet Executive Officer (Reports to Cadet/CC): Assists the Cadet Commander to get activities planned, complete cadet paperwork, mange the leadership/mentorship classes and oversee all Executive support staff positions such as Supply, Logistics, Aerospace Education, Communications

Element leaders (Reports to First Sergeant): Mange all cadets assigned to their element. They will perform call downs, manage activity sign-ups, help their element members prepare their uniforms, ensure that all members study for tests and will generally be responsible for each member of their element.

Executive support staff positions will be assigned by your DCC, Cadet Commander and myself over the course of the next few weeks.

I want all of you to prepare a 500 word essay on why you want and you are qualified for your position as well as what you would like to accomplish if you receive that position.

Upcoming Events

15-17 May - Durant SAREX - Get your IS100 and IS700

16 May - Westside RC Fly-In - Yukon - All day support of the RC Fly-In, you may also get flying time with some of the RC aircraft.

21-24 May - SWR Cadet Competition - OKC RTI - Come to volunteer to staff the event or just watch the Color Guards and Drill Teams of the Region, it will be A LOT of fun.

26 April, 2009


Good afternoon Cadets,


The weather is questionable all this week.  However, if the weather permits we will try to do O-rides this coming weekend.   


So each cadet that wants to participate please let me know. 


Date:  Saturday, the 2nd  of May.


Place: Max Westheimer Airport in Norman.


Time: TBD


Action:   Each cadet that wants to participate reply to this email with your name, which o-ride you need (if known), contact phone number, and preference for time of day (morning choice & afternoon choice).


Depending on number of Cadets, my tentative times will be: 8am, 10am, 1pm, & 3pm.


When I get a list of all the participants, I will assign times to arrive at the airport.


An example of an email reply:


Yes.  I would like to participate on April 18th


1.       Cadet’s Name

2.       Powered Flight 2

3.       405-123-1234 Hm

4.       10 AM or 3 PM


Any questions feel free to contact me.




Kenneth Otis

Capt CAP

19 April, 2009

Southwest Region Cadet Competition

Please forward to all members for widest distribution.




1. We will be hosting the 2009 Southwest Region Cadet Competition on May 22 & 23 (May 21 & 24 are Travel Days) at the Oklahoma Army National Guard Regional Training Institute, 6500 North Kelley Avenue, Oklahoma CityOK.  Everyone is invited to attend the competition as a spectator or if you wish to help, please let me know.


2. The following teams will be participating:  Drill Teams will be AZ and TX.  Color Guard Teams will be AZ, AR, LA, NM, OK and TX.


3. We are looking for volunteers to help make this a very successful event.  If you wish to volunteer, please send me an e-mail with the position(s) you wish to help.  If you wish to volunteer for multiple positions, please see the attached draft schedule of events to ensure you have no conflicts with the other events.  The following are some of the positions which region as specifically assigned to the OKWG:


  1. Logistics Officer
  2. Banquet/ Awards Coordinator
  3. Transportation Officer
  4. Communications Officer
  5. Volley Ball Tournament Referee


4. Billeting Cost:  $20 per night, the rooms are single occupancy.  We have limited rooms.  The priority for the rooms will be Color Guard/Drill Teams, Competition Staff, VIPs and spectators.


5. Food Cost:  To be determined.  The food cost will include the following:

    Breakfast - Friday, Saturday and Sunday

    Lunch - Friday and Saturday

    Dinner - Friday (Pizza Party), Saturday (Banquet)


 6. A DRAFT schedule is atch...The date on the schedule is April 9, 2009.  Revised schedules will be sent as they are updated.  The rotation is on the bottom of the schedule.  The quiz bowl schedule for the color guard is on the second sheet.


Below are other jobs that will need to be filled as well.


Thank you so much for your early response to this request!!




e. Color Guard Competition

        (1) In-Ranks Inspection, Standard Drill, Indoor Practical Drill and Outdoor Drill

            - Event Marshall:

            - Time Keeper

        (2) Written Examination

            - Examiner

            - Scorer/Recorder

            - Scorer/Recorder

        (3) Mile Run

            - Event Marshall

            - Starter/Judge

            - Time Keeper

            - Time Keeper

            - Recorder

            - Recorder

        (4) Panel Quiz

            - Panel 1 Moderator:

            - Panel 1 Judge:

            - Panel 1 Recorder:

        (5) Panel Quiz

            - Panel 2 Moderator:

            - Panel 2 Judge:

            - Panel 2 Recorder:


    f. Drill Team Competition

        (1) In-Ranks Inspection, Standard Drill and Innovative Drill

            - Event Marshall

            - Time Keeper

        (2) Written Examination

            - Examiner

            - Scorer/Recorder

            - Scorer/Recorder

        (3) Panel Quiz

            - Moderator:

            - Judge:

            - Recorder:

        (4) Mile Run (We'll use the same staff as the Color Guard)

        (5) Volley Ball Tournament

            - Referee

            - Line Judge(s)

            - Recorder