27 August, 2009

Squadron Email


We now have squadron email accounts, @ok113.org.

I have started setting email accounts up for each duty position, if you have a duty position you are entitled to an email address. If you would like an address that is different from your duty position name, let me know and I can give you whatever you want. You will be allowed to make use of your email as long as you hold a duty position. Keep an eye on your inbox, I will be sending out set-up instructions as I enable the emails.

Duty Position: DCC
Default email: DCC(at)ok113.org

Again, if you would like something different, perhaps your name @ok113.org, just let me know and I would be happy to set it up for you.

Once we have them all set, I would prefer that you use your squadron email for CAP business, it gives a more professional image.

Also, we now have the ability to set-up list-servers. Currently, I have set-up seniors(at)ok113.org and cadets(at)ok113.org, if you want to email everyone without going and copying them all into your email, simply use the list-serv. If you have any suggestions for list-servs to set-up, I can do that, just let me know.


Jordan Edmund, 1st Lt