Please forward to all members for widest distribution.
1. We will be hosting the 2009 Southwest Region Cadet Competition on May 22 & 23 (May 21 & 24 are Travel Days) at the Oklahoma Army National Guard Regional Training Institute,
2. The following teams will be participating: Drill Teams will be AZ and TX. Color Guard Teams will be AZ, AR, LA, NM, OK and TX.
3. We are looking for volunteers to help make this a very successful event. If you wish to volunteer, please send me an e-mail with the position(s) you wish to help. If you wish to volunteer for multiple positions, please see the attached draft schedule of events to ensure you have no conflicts with the other events. The following are some of the positions which region as specifically assigned to the OKWG:
- Logistics Officer
- Banquet/ Awards Coordinator
- Transportation Officer
- Communications Officer
- Volley Ball Tournament Referee
4. Billeting Cost: $20 per night, the rooms are single occupancy. We have limited rooms. The priority for the rooms will be Color Guard/Drill Teams, Competition Staff, VIPs and spectators.
5. Food Cost: To be determined. The food cost will include the following:
Breakfast - Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Lunch - Friday and Saturday
Dinner - Friday (Pizza Party), Saturday (Banquet)
6. A DRAFT schedule is atch...The date on the schedule is April 9, 2009. Revised schedules will be sent as they are updated. The rotation is on the bottom of the schedule. The quiz bowl schedule for the color guard is on the second sheet.
Below are other jobs that will need to be filled as well.
Thank you so much for your early response to this request!!
e. Color Guard Competition (1) In-Ranks Inspection, Standard Drill, Indoor Practical Drill and Outdoor Drill - Event - Time Keeper (2) Written Examination - Examiner - Scorer/Recorder - Scorer/Recorder (3) Mile Run - Event - Starter/Judge - Time Keeper - Time Keeper - Recorder - Recorder (4) Panel Quiz - Panel 1 Moderator: - Panel 1 Judge: - Panel 1 Recorder: (5) Panel Quiz - Panel 2 Moderator: - Panel 2 Judge: - Panel 2 Recorder: f. Drill Team Competition (1) In-Ranks Inspection, Standard Drill and Innovative Drill - Event - Time Keeper (2) Written Examination - Examiner - Scorer/Recorder - Scorer/Recorder (3) Panel Quiz - Moderator: - Judge: - Recorder: (4) Mile Run (We'll use the same staff as the Color Guard) (5) Volley Ball Tournament - Referee - Line Judge(s) - Recorder