Next week will be testing D&C and Change of Command.
UOD: AF Blues (Yes, we will be wearing them twice this month)
Please start studying now if you have not already. I want everyone to pass their tests this week. We will also have refreshments after the Change of Command.
Upcoming Events:
18 April - O-Rides: Makes sure you have emailed Capt. Otis if you are planning on attending ( He will let you know what time you need to be there.
18 April - Wing Cadet Competition: The Color Guard will be competing against other Color Guards throughout the Wing, if they win they will move on the Region Cadet Competition. If you want to come and cheer them on, you are welcome.
19 April - Squadron Awards Banquet: Cowboy Hall of Fame at 1330. Uniform will be AF Blues and awards will be presented to Cadets and Senior Members. Please get your registration forms and payment in ASAP. If you have not nominated Cadets or Seniors for the Awards, please do so ASAP.
15-17 May - SAREX: Durant, OK. Get your IS100 and IS700 done so that you can come down for training.
The May FTX has been canceled due to funding, it has been rescheduled for September.
5-6 June - Tentative Basic Cadet School/Project Stripe: Cadet Basics will attend to learn the basics in an Encampment style environment. To be held jointly with Edmond.
As always, feel free to contact Lt. McReynolds or myself if you have any questions or concerns.