Next Tuesday (5/19) will be PT.
UOD: PT Uniform and Camelbak / water bottle / canteen
Please make sure you are prepared for the CPFT.
Upcoming Events
21-24 May - SWR Cadet Competition - The location has changed, it will now b held at Tinker AFB and billeting will be at OKC RTI. Please contact Capt. Bartlett ASAP if you want to volunteer. If you just want to watch I will send out a schedule to you once I have it.
8-12 June - Private Pilot Ground School - If you want to attend you need to get your deposit, for your books, in to Lt. Fellin by 22 May.
19-20 June - Ada Airshow - Details TBA
21-28 June - OKWG Encampment - Get your applications in ASAP, you can download the application at Remember that we need to review and sign your application before you send it in.
As always if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.