02 May, 2009

Cadet Reminders


This Tuesday will be Mentorship and Aerospace Education.


Again, I don't know how many times I have to ask, turn in applications for staff positions. I know some of you are afraid or nervous to take a leadership position, some of you also think that you are too low ranking to serve in a position. Anyone may apply and I encourage everyone to apply for something.

Current positions available: 

Training Flight Commander and Sergeant (Reports to the Cadet/CC): These positions will train the new cadets in all aspects of CAP. We really need to get these positions filled ASAP in preparation for BCS weekend. They will run their own program separate from the other cadets.

Cadet Executive Officer (Reports to Cadet/CC): Assists the Cadet Commander to get activities planned, complete cadet paperwork, mange the leadership/mentorship classes and oversee all Executive support staff positions such as Supply, Logistics, Aerospace Education, Communications

Element leaders (Reports to First Sergeant): Mange all cadets assigned to their element. They will perform call downs, manage activity sign-ups, help their element members prepare their uniforms, ensure that all members study for tests and will generally be responsible for each member of their element.

Executive support staff positions will be assigned by your DCC, Cadet Commander and myself over the course of the next few weeks.

I want all of you to prepare a 500 word essay on why you want and you are qualified for your position as well as what you would like to accomplish if you receive that position.

Upcoming Events

15-17 May - Durant SAREX - Get your IS100 and IS700

16 May - Westside RC Fly-In - Yukon - All day support of the RC Fly-In, you may also get flying time with some of the RC aircraft.

21-24 May - SWR Cadet Competition - OKC RTI - Come to volunteer to staff the event or just watch the Color Guards and Drill Teams of the Region, it will be A LOT of fun.