14 June, 2009

Cadet Reminders

Cadets & Senior Members:
The uniform for Tuesday June 16th will be BLUEs. The agenda will be testing and D&C (drill & ceremony).
We will also be doing review boards and promotions due to the following week's meeting, June 23rd, will be cancelled on account of most cadets will be at encampment.
Parents of cadets going to encampment should plan to join the first part of the meeting. We will discuss the necessities of encampment and expectations. A packing list can be viewed and printed off the squadron website http://OK113.org. Please note, non-staff cadets do not bring electronic gadets, watch, or flashlight. We will discuss other items at the meeting.
I hope to see all of you there.
2Lt Robert Oglesby, DCC, C.A.P.