29 May, 2009

Cadet Reminders


Next week's meeting (6/2) will be Aerospace Education and Moral leadership.


The following week will be PT and Leadership/Mentorship, Testing will be the third week this month.

We will be assigning staff positions next week. You all had plenty of time to get me the applications for the positions you wanted.

Upcoming Events:

6-7 June: Encampment Staff Training - Camp Gruber - If you are staff you will receive details from Capt. Bartlett

19-20 June: ADA Airshow - You may only attend if you are not participating in Encampment. House will be at the NG Base in ADA. If you are interested in attending, please sign up. Transportation - TBA

21-28 June: OKWG Encampment - Time is running short to send in your applications, bring them to the Sq meeting to get them signed.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.

15 May, 2009

SAREX Cancelled

The Durant SAREX has been cancelled due to the potential for bad weather this weekend. It will be re-scheduled for August.

Cadet Reminders


Next Tuesday (5/19) will be PT.

UOD: PT Uniform and Camelbak / water bottle / canteen

Please make sure you are prepared for the CPFT.

Upcoming Events

21-24 May - SWR Cadet Competition - The location has changed, it will now b held at Tinker AFB and billeting will be at OKC RTI. Please contact Capt. Bartlett ASAP if you want to volunteer. If you just want to watch I will send out a schedule to you once I have it.

8-12 June - Private Pilot Ground School - If you want to attend you need to get your deposit, for your books, in to Lt. Fellin by 22 May.

19-20 June - Ada Airshow - Details TBA

21-28 June - OKWG Encampment - Get your applications in ASAP, you can download the application at www.okwgencampment09.info. Remember that we need to review and sign your application before you send it in.

As always if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.

10 May, 2009

Meeting Location Change for 12 May


The ANG will be having an inspection on Tuesday and we will not be able to meet there. The alternate meeting location with be at the Tulakes Elementary school, graciously provided to us by Kathy Whitinger.

The school is located at 6600 Galaxie DrOklahoma CityOK, it is on 63rd between MacArthur and Rockwell. Google maps link here: http://maps.google.com/maps?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENUS306&q=tulakes%20elementary&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl

There will be no Color Guard practice for cadets. We will be doing testing as well as have a blood borne pathogens class. UOD: BDU. Same drill different location.

We must be out of the school by 2100, please make sure that you are on time so that we can finish the meeting in a timely manner.

Please call if you have any questions or concerns.

Cadet Reminders


I apologize for sending this out later than normal, but I was hoping to procure a meeting location for this weeks meeting before sending this out. We will not be able to meet at the ANG Base this week, they are having an inspection during our meeting time. We have not yet nailed down an alternate meeting location. As soon as we do you will receive an email as well as be notified via call down.

There will be no Color Guard practice this week as we will not be meeting at the ANG Base.

This Tuesday (5/12) will be testing, D&C and a blood-borne pathogen class. Bring your GTM3 SQTR and you can get this signed off.


I have received a few applications for staff, but not enough. Please apply, part of your responsibilities as a cadet is to take on leadership positions, if you are not willing to take a leadership position, you will not promote.

I would like to welcome SM Chelsi Hudlow and SM Peter Hudlow to the OK113 Cadet Programs staff, they will be serving as your Activities Officer and Leadership Officer.

Upcoming Events:

15-17 May - Durant SAREX - Let Lt. Oglesby know ASAP if you are planning on attending as he will be driving down. As of now it looks like this will be a Saturday only event for our squadron.

16 May - Westside RC Warbirds Fly-In - If you are not attending the SAREX you better plan on attending the RC fly-in. It is an all day event, you will be supporting the event in various capacities and may get the chance to fly an RC aircraft. The event is loads of fun. Sign-ups this Tuesday.

21-24 May - SWR Cadet Competition - Let me know ASAP if you would like to volunteer for this event, only one person has let me know that they will be volunteering. If you aren't planning on volunteering, plan on attending. Cadet Color Guard and Drill Teams from Arizona, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico and Oklahoma will be competing for a slot in the National Cadet Competition. These are the best of the best, go and get ideas on what we can do at our squadron.

8-12 June - Private Pilot Ground School - Let Lt. Fellin know by Monday, 11 May if you want to take advantage of this incredible deal. 

Reminder: Check the OK113 website often, the calendar, news and photo album are regularly updated. Ensure that you don't miss something important by making the website part of your surfing agenda. www.ok113.org

As always, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.

02 May, 2009

Cadet Reminders


This Tuesday will be Mentorship and Aerospace Education.


Again, I don't know how many times I have to ask, turn in applications for staff positions. I know some of you are afraid or nervous to take a leadership position, some of you also think that you are too low ranking to serve in a position. Anyone may apply and I encourage everyone to apply for something.

Current positions available: 

Training Flight Commander and Sergeant (Reports to the Cadet/CC): These positions will train the new cadets in all aspects of CAP. We really need to get these positions filled ASAP in preparation for BCS weekend. They will run their own program separate from the other cadets.

Cadet Executive Officer (Reports to Cadet/CC): Assists the Cadet Commander to get activities planned, complete cadet paperwork, mange the leadership/mentorship classes and oversee all Executive support staff positions such as Supply, Logistics, Aerospace Education, Communications

Element leaders (Reports to First Sergeant): Mange all cadets assigned to their element. They will perform call downs, manage activity sign-ups, help their element members prepare their uniforms, ensure that all members study for tests and will generally be responsible for each member of their element.

Executive support staff positions will be assigned by your DCC, Cadet Commander and myself over the course of the next few weeks.

I want all of you to prepare a 500 word essay on why you want and you are qualified for your position as well as what you would like to accomplish if you receive that position.

Upcoming Events

15-17 May - Durant SAREX - Get your IS100 and IS700

16 May - Westside RC Fly-In - Yukon - All day support of the RC Fly-In, you may also get flying time with some of the RC aircraft.

21-24 May - SWR Cadet Competition - OKC RTI - Come to volunteer to staff the event or just watch the Color Guards and Drill Teams of the Region, it will be A LOT of fun.