26 April, 2009


Good afternoon Cadets,


The weather is questionable all this week.  However, if the weather permits we will try to do O-rides this coming weekend.   


So each cadet that wants to participate please let me know. 


Date:  Saturday, the 2nd  of May.


Place: Max Westheimer Airport in Norman.


Time: TBD


Action:   Each cadet that wants to participate reply to this email with your name, which o-ride you need (if known), contact phone number, and preference for time of day (morning choice & afternoon choice).


Depending on number of Cadets, my tentative times will be: 8am, 10am, 1pm, & 3pm.


When I get a list of all the participants, I will assign times to arrive at the airport.


An example of an email reply:


Yes.  I would like to participate on April 18th


1.       Cadet’s Name

2.       Powered Flight 2

3.       405-123-1234 Hm

4.       10 AM or 3 PM


Any questions feel free to contact me.




Kenneth Otis

Capt CAP

19 April, 2009

Southwest Region Cadet Competition

Please forward to all members for widest distribution.




1. We will be hosting the 2009 Southwest Region Cadet Competition on May 22 & 23 (May 21 & 24 are Travel Days) at the Oklahoma Army National Guard Regional Training Institute, 6500 North Kelley Avenue, Oklahoma CityOK.  Everyone is invited to attend the competition as a spectator or if you wish to help, please let me know.


2. The following teams will be participating:  Drill Teams will be AZ and TX.  Color Guard Teams will be AZ, AR, LA, NM, OK and TX.


3. We are looking for volunteers to help make this a very successful event.  If you wish to volunteer, please send me an e-mail with the position(s) you wish to help.  If you wish to volunteer for multiple positions, please see the attached draft schedule of events to ensure you have no conflicts with the other events.  The following are some of the positions which region as specifically assigned to the OKWG:


  1. Logistics Officer
  2. Banquet/ Awards Coordinator
  3. Transportation Officer
  4. Communications Officer
  5. Volley Ball Tournament Referee


4. Billeting Cost:  $20 per night, the rooms are single occupancy.  We have limited rooms.  The priority for the rooms will be Color Guard/Drill Teams, Competition Staff, VIPs and spectators.


5. Food Cost:  To be determined.  The food cost will include the following:

    Breakfast - Friday, Saturday and Sunday

    Lunch - Friday and Saturday

    Dinner - Friday (Pizza Party), Saturday (Banquet)


 6. A DRAFT schedule is atch...The date on the schedule is April 9, 2009.  Revised schedules will be sent as they are updated.  The rotation is on the bottom of the schedule.  The quiz bowl schedule for the color guard is on the second sheet.


Below are other jobs that will need to be filled as well.


Thank you so much for your early response to this request!!




e. Color Guard Competition

        (1) In-Ranks Inspection, Standard Drill, Indoor Practical Drill and Outdoor Drill

            - Event Marshall:

            - Time Keeper

        (2) Written Examination

            - Examiner

            - Scorer/Recorder

            - Scorer/Recorder

        (3) Mile Run

            - Event Marshall

            - Starter/Judge

            - Time Keeper

            - Time Keeper

            - Recorder

            - Recorder

        (4) Panel Quiz

            - Panel 1 Moderator:

            - Panel 1 Judge:

            - Panel 1 Recorder:

        (5) Panel Quiz

            - Panel 2 Moderator:

            - Panel 2 Judge:

            - Panel 2 Recorder:


    f. Drill Team Competition

        (1) In-Ranks Inspection, Standard Drill and Innovative Drill

            - Event Marshall

            - Time Keeper

        (2) Written Examination

            - Examiner

            - Scorer/Recorder

            - Scorer/Recorder

        (3) Panel Quiz

            - Moderator:

            - Judge:

            - Recorder:

        (4) Mile Run (We'll use the same staff as the Color Guard)

        (5) Volley Ball Tournament

            - Referee

            - Line Judge(s)

            - Recorder

Cadet Reminders


This week's meeting (4/21) will be PT.


Our Color Guard competed at the Wing Cadet Competition this weekend and did very well, good job! We also had our banquet this weekend which went well, thanks to all that attended.

Again, if you want a staff position, get me your 500 word essay on why you want the position, why you are qualified and what you plan to accomplish if you are placed in that position.

Upcoming events:

25 April - Youth Aviation Adventure in Shawnee - Details: TBA

26 April - OKC Memorial Marathon - Details: TBA

15-16 May - Durant SAREX - Please finish your IS100 and IS700 so that you can attend.

16 May - Westside RC Fliers in Yukon - Cadets will be providing support for the event and will get a chance to fly some of the RC aircraft. This is an all day event.

As always, contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

10 April, 2009

Cadet Reminders


Next week will be testing D&C and Change of Command.

UOD: AF Blues (Yes, we will be wearing them twice this month)

Please start studying now if you have not already. I want everyone to pass their tests this week. We will also have refreshments after the Change of Command.

Upcoming Events:

18 April - O-Rides: Makes sure you have emailed Capt. Otis if you are planning on attending (ken_otis@hotmail.com). He will let you know what time you need to be there.

18 April - Wing Cadet Competition: The Color Guard will be competing against other Color Guards throughout the Wing, if they win they will move on the Region Cadet Competition. If you want to come and cheer them on, you are welcome.

19 April - Squadron Awards Banquet: Cowboy Hall of Fame at 1330. Uniform will be AF Blues and awards will be presented to Cadets and Senior Members. Please get your registration forms and payment in ASAP. If you have not nominated Cadets or Seniors for the Awards, please do so ASAP.

15-17 May - SAREX: Durant, OK. Get your IS100 and IS700 done so that you can come down for training.

The May FTX has been canceled due to funding, it has been rescheduled for September.

5-6 June - Tentative Basic Cadet School/Project Stripe: Cadet Basics will attend to learn the basics in an Encampment style  environment. To be held jointly with Edmond.

As always, feel free to contact Lt. McReynolds or myself if you have any questions or concerns.

05 April, 2009

Meeting Location Change for 7 April


The ANG is preparing to deploy and will be using the normal meeting building until late into the night on Tuesday. We have worked out an alternate location for our meeting, the meeting on 7 April 2009 will be held at the church gym where we had the Christmas dinner. The name of the church is New Hope Worship Center located at 3513 N. Geraldine. From the intersection of NW. 36th and Meridian proceed East on 36th street to Geraldine which will be the first street on the South side of 36th, then proceed 1 block south from 36th street and the gym will be on the West side of the street.

Cadets will be working on mentorship and AE.

UOD for Cadets is BDU

We will also be having a change of command ceremony.

Upcoming Events:

18 April - Cadet O-Rides - Wiley Post - Again, weather permitting, please contact Capt Otis in regards to the email he sent out to the Cadets earlier. If you did not receive the email you can find it on the website.

18 April - Wing CG Competition

8-10 May - FTX with Edmond - To be held in Edmond under the big cross.

02 April, 2009


Good afternoon Cadets,


Change 101!!!


I have locked in the date for April O-rides!


We will be conducting O-rides for the OK-113 Squadron on Saturday, the 18th of April, at Max Westheimer Airport in Norman.  Each cadet that wants to participate reply to this email with your name, which o-ride you need (if known), contact phone number, and preference for time of day (morning choice & afternoon choice).


Depending on number of Cadets, my tentative times will be: 8am, 10am, 1pm, & 3pm.


When I get a list of all the participants, I will assign times to arrive at the airport.


An example of an email reply:


Yes.  I would like to participate on April 18th


1.       Cadet’s Name

2.       Powered Flight 2

3.       405-123-1234 Hm

4.       10 AM or 3 PM


Any questions feel free to contact me.




Kenneth Otis

Capt CAP