29 August, 2009

Please complete GES for SAREX


We have a SAREX coming up, 11-13 September in El Reno. This is the perfect time to get training done, if you have not yet complete GES, get it done now. If you need help completing it before 11 September, please let me know.

Jordan Edmund 1Lt, CAP

27 August, 2009

Squadron Email


We now have squadron email accounts, @ok113.org.

I have started setting email accounts up for each duty position, if you have a duty position you are entitled to an email address. If you would like an address that is different from your duty position name, let me know and I can give you whatever you want. You will be allowed to make use of your email as long as you hold a duty position. Keep an eye on your inbox, I will be sending out set-up instructions as I enable the emails.

Duty Position: DCC
Default email: DCC(at)ok113.org

Again, if you would like something different, perhaps your name @ok113.org, just let me know and I would be happy to set it up for you.

Once we have them all set, I would prefer that you use your squadron email for CAP business, it gives a more professional image.

Also, we now have the ability to set-up list-servers. Currently, I have set-up seniors(at)ok113.org and cadets(at)ok113.org, if you want to email everyone without going and copying them all into your email, simply use the list-serv. If you have any suggestions for list-servs to set-up, I can do that, just let me know.


Jordan Edmund, 1st Lt

25 August, 2009

Cadet Announcements


Tonight we have very special guests so make sure your Blues uniform is especially neat.

Tonight's activities will be Review boards and D&C, with Promotions following the end of the night. We will have a special video showing of the Air Force Academy trip. There will also be some presentations made.

Unfortunately I will not be able to attend so I expect you all to be on your best behavior without me. I know you'll make me proud.

Keep your nose up and have a good night.

2Lt Robert Oglesby, DCC, CAP

24 August, 2009

Equal Opportunity Training

All Members:

Please complete CAP's Equal Opportunity Training, per CAPR 36-1. This program is to promote awareness of CAP, AF and Federal laws and regulations regarding discrimination, completion of this test is mandatory.

CAPR 173-3, Change 1, 24 Aug 09, Payment for Civil Air Patrol Support


CAP/MD Letter, 23 Aug 09, Interim Change Letter - G1000 Training Requirements

Please review.


Visitors for 25 Aug. Meeting

Please welcome BGen. Revere Young, USAF (Ret) and Col. Robert Castle to our meeting Tuesday night. They will both be presenting awards to our cadets.

2009 National Board Agenda Summary

Brought to you by the National Capitol Wing.

18 August, 2009

CAPR 60-3, 17 Aug 09, CAP Emergency Services Training and Operational Missions

For your attention,

The revised CAPR 60-3 and CAPF 104 have been posted on the publications page athttp://members.gocivilairpatrol.com/forms_publications__regulations/

Cadet Announcements


Tonight is PT night. Depending on the weather we may need to do PT in the building, but unless it is lightning, a little rain will not prevent us from running. Be prepared. You might bring a towel.

School has begun or will begin soon. Make sure each of you maintains your schedule so that conflicts with CAP do not occur too often. It is understandable that school related events will prevent some of you from participating in all meetings, but we hope to see you as regularly as possible. Prioritize your schedule so that CAP does not interfere with school, but instead becomes an extension of your education.

Be good.