04 June, 2013

Team OKC,
We have had a trying few weeks.  This last round of storms on Friday knocked out power on the WRANG base where we meet.  Our new building sustained slight damage and is being repaired.  I have not been able to get in to inspect our things but I'm confident all is well.
Because we have no power, we will not meet tonight.  Having said that, I want to challenge all of you to not just take the night off.  Each and every cadet should attempt an online exam for your achievement.  Seniors, read up on a specialty track or an ES rating.  Pilots, find an online course, such as an AOPA safety course and take it.  Also, there is a WINGS event on Aviation Weather going on in Mustang tonight at 1830.  Email me for specifics. 
If your a new cadet and have never logged into eServices, reply back and I will give you your CAPID number. If your planning to attend encampment, visit http://www.okcapcadet.info/ and start getting ready. 
I spent alot of time helping with the Moore Tornado relief efforts, both with CAP and others.  I'm amazed at the outpouring of support from around to help us out.  I know lots of you wanted to help the CAP efforts.  Because many of you didn't have ground team training, you were unable to help out.  We need to make a few adjustments to our program to incorporate more ES training to prepare ourselves to be of service to our community, state and nation.  I've got approval to get more of our members certified to teach ES training and tasks.  Expect that training to start up in the fall. 
We have reached the half way mark for the year.  How are we doing?  Where are you with your development as a member of CAP?  If your receiving this and you have not been to CAP in a while, reply back to let me know how your doing.  If your receiving this and don't know who we are or what CAP is, reply back because your email is associated with a CAP member of the Oklahoma City Composite Squadron. 
If you have any questions about anything, please contact your Deputy Commanders, Lt Col Wallace for cadets or Capt Alderette for seniors.  As always, feel free to contact me directly as well with any issues.  I can be reached at 580-747-9401 or reply to this email. 
Cadets: 3 achievements this year. 
Seniors: a professional development level or an ES rating.
Commander, SWR-OK-113